A little over a year ago I began to talk about Christ Church
as a “Great Commission Church”. I think it has caught on because I hear other
people talking about it, too.
Today’s gospel reading is the end of the 28th
chapter of Matthew’s gospel. It is Matthew’s account of the last words that
Jesus speaks to the apostles before his Ascension, the words that we know as
the “Great Commission.”
I grew up with the Great Commission. It was a constant
refrain in the little Baptist church in which I grew up. It was even in our
From Greenland’s icy mountains, from India’s coral strand;
Where Afric’s sunny fountains roll down their golden sand:
From many an ancient river, from many a palmy plain,
They call us to deliver their land from error’s chain.
Where Afric’s sunny fountains roll down their golden sand:
From many an ancient river, from many a palmy plain,
They call us to deliver their land from error’s chain.
Frankly, I reacted against it for many years. For a long
time, I thought that the idea of carrying the Christian message to others was a
kind of cultural imperialism. But I no longer believe that. Now, make no
mistake: I do not believe that Christians have a monopoly on truth. I believe
that there is wisdom and truth in all the great religious and spiritual systems
of the world. But I also believe that we have a great story to tell, a great
message to share. But above all I believe that we are commissioned to invite
others to join us in following Jesus.
Now, Jesus never called this the Great Commission. Matthew
didn’t even call it the Great Commission. In fact, “Great Commission” was the
heading given to these words by Cyrus Scofield, a late 19th and
early 20th c American scholar of the Bible. He published an edition
of the Bible known as the Scofield reference Bible in 1909. Not everything in
the Scofield Bible was based on sound scholarship. In fact, a lot of it was
very unsound. Scofield was responsible for promoting something called
“dispensationalism.” If you’re from a fundamentalist background, you may have
heard of it. Regardless, I would recommend that you avoid dispensationalism.
But my point in saying that the words of Jesus in Matthew 28
were not called the Great Commission until the beginning of the 20th
c is to bring up the fact that Jesus gave a lot of other commissions or
mandates to his disciples.
For example, in John’s gospel, Jesus says, “A new commandment
I give unto you, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13.34)
Or Mark 8.34: “"If any want to become my followers, let
them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”
Or Luke 9: “…he gave them power and authority to drive out
all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the
kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”
And I could go on.
Nevertheless, I think these words of Jesus in Matthew 28 are
of special importance: They are the last words of Jesus before the Ascension.
Matthew clearly thought they were important because they are the very last
words of his gospel.
The vestry and I have just completed something called a
mutual ministry review. In a secular organization it would be called an annual
performance review, but this is a church. The ministry of this church is not MY ministry; it is OUR ministry. My job is not just to do ministry; it is to make it
possible for all of us to do the ministry to which God has called us.
During the mutual ministry review I was challenged to
elaborate on my idea of making Christ Church a Great Commission church, to add
some practical steps to this vision. It was a good challenge, and I’m going to
try to do that. I’m going to start today, but it is going to be a work in progress.
I believe that as we live into the idea of being a Great Commission church, we
will see more and more of what it means to be a Great Commission church.
First, I want you to notice a few things about Jesus’
statement in Matthew 28. He says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…” Jesus is
the one with “all authority,” but we are the ones he commissions to go to all
Episcopalians are happy to acknowledge Jesus’ authority, but
we have traditionally been pretty reluctant to obey his command to “go to all
When the United States began to expand westward in the early
19th c. the Episcopal Church was slow to send bishops and priests
into the new territories. They elected two missionary bishops – Jackson Kemper
in 1835 to serve as bishop of the northwest, meaning all of Indiana, Illinois,
and Wisconsin – and Leonidas Polk in 1838 as bishop of the southwest, meaning
all of Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas.
The Episcopal Church was just as bad or worse later in the
19th c. in providing bishops for the far west, that is places such
as Utah and Nevada.
Our attitude toward missions was much like the situations
that Baptist missionary William Carey encountered in England in the mid 18th
c. when he sought support for a mission to India. Carey was told that when God
wanted to convert the people of India, God would find a way to do it without
Carey’s help.
Methodist bishop William Willimon said that “To many outside the church, the
Church is like a football huddle. You know that something important is being
said there, but you can't understand a word of it, and all you can see is their
rear ends."
job is not to huddle together and speak only to each other. Our job is to GO,
to go to all the nations and invite them to follow Jesus along with us.
The second thing I want to point out about the Great
Commission is that Jesus does NOT ask us to convert anyone. Rather, he tells us
to “make disciples.”
Jesus’ invitation to the disciples was “follow me.” That is
the invitation that we are to bring to the nations.
Note two more things about this invitation: First, following
is not a one time thing; it is an ongoing process. That is too often forgotten
by evangelical Christians. They frequently confuse discipleship with
Conversion is what the Holy Spirit does. We cannot do it. It
is not our responsibility. Our responsibility is to invite others to follow
The second thing we need to keep in mind is that we cannot
invite others to follow Jesus unless we are following him ourselves.
We are a people on the way, and we are to invite others to
join us in this marvelous journey, this adventure, of following Jesus.
The poet W.H. Auden wrote:
He is the Way.
Follow Him through the Land of Unlikeness;
You will see rare beasts, and have unique adventures.
Follow Him through the Land of Unlikeness;
You will see rare beasts, and have unique adventures.
He is the Truth.
Seek Him in the Kingdom of Anxiety;
You will come to a great city that has expected your return for years.
Seek Him in the Kingdom of Anxiety;
You will come to a great city that has expected your return for years.
He is the Life.
Love Him in the World of the Flesh;
And at your marriage all its occasions shall dance for joy
Love Him in the World of the Flesh;
And at your marriage all its occasions shall dance for joy
Now, note another thing about the Great Commission: We are
to make disciples “of all nations.”
It is interesting that Jesus phrased the Great Commission
that way. He could have said, “make disciples of everyone.” But he used the
word “nations.” That had a specific meaning in the 1rst c.
A “nation” was a group of people defined by a common
language, religion, and set of customs. The Greeks were a nation. The Romans
were a nation. The Jews were a nation.
Last week on Pentecost you heard the story from Acts 2 of
the Holy Spirit descending on the disciples and giving them the ability to
speak in the languages of ALL THE NATIONS
- the Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Chaldeans, and all those other
difficult words. It’s always so much fun to watch the layreader struggling to pronounce
But I wonder, why didn’t the Holy Spirit give the nations
the ability to hear Greek? Wouldn’t that have been easier and simpler? But
that’s not what happened. Instead, the Holy Spirit gave the disciples the
ability to speak a multitude of languages.
The Holy Spirit was acknowledging the integrity and validity
of all the different nations. She was carrying out Jesus’ Great Commission – to
make disciples of all nations.
Our job is not to make other people like us. Our job is to
find ways to adapt our way of worshiping and proclaiming the Christian message
to the language and customs and cultural norms of others, not to make them
adapt to us.
Here at Christ Church we have made the decision to be a
multi-cultural or at least bi-cultural church. We are a church that worships in
both English and Spanish. This is not an easy thing. There is a kind of
dissonance between English and Latino cultures at many points. But I want to
encourage all of us to be patient. I want to encourage us Anglos to be patient
with our Latino sisters and brothers, and I want to encourage our Latino
sisters and brothers to be patient with us.
One more thing about the Great Commission: In 1966, John
Stott, a priest of the Church of England and for many years the rector of All
Souls Church, Langham Place, London, addressed the World Congress on Evangelism
in Berlin. Stott warned evangelicals that they were missing the point of the
Great Commission. He encouraged them to focus equally on what Jesus says in
John 20.21: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Stott warned
evangelicals not to divorce word and deed but to take seriously the issues of
poverty and disease, education and political oppression.
We need to read John 20.21 along with Matthew 28.19 and 20.
There’s only one active verb in the verse from John’s gospel: send. Jesus sends
us in the same way that God the Father sent him. The Father sent Jesus in love
and humility. And it is only in love and humility that we can invite others to
join us in being disciples of Jesus.
You may have noticed that I am sort of a bi-vocational
priest. I have been a priest and a college professor, occasionally at the same
time. In other words, I like to talk and to have people listen to me!
But Jesus was just as good at listening as he was at
talking. Jesus was always asking questions and listening to others. “Who do you
say that I am?” “Who touched me?” “Simon, do you love me?” And so on.
The story is told of the young rabbinical student who grew
tired of the fact that every time he asked his teacher a question, his teacher
replied with another question. So he asked, “Master, why do you always reply to
my questions with more question?” To which his teacher replied, “So, what’s
wrong with questions?”
We western Christians have been great at talking to others,
at trying to make them listening to us, acting as though we have all the
answers. But we are entering an age, indeed, we are well into an age, in which
we will have to do more listening than talking. Today, most of the world’s
Christians live in the southern hemisphere, the developing world, and they are
starting to return to us, to bring the message of the gospel to us.
Today is Trinity Sunday. The Great Commission is all about
the Trinity. As the Father sent Jesus, so Jesus sends us in the power of the
Spirit to invite others to follow Jesus along with us.
That is the message of the gospel, and I think it is not
only good news – I believe it is WONDERFUL news.