Thursday, September 04, 2014

One Hundred Great Anglican Books (updated)

I've been playing with this for two or three years. I will not lie and tell you that I have read all of them. I know almost nothing about some of the authors and have had to rely on secondary sources for several of them. I welcome suggestions. Just keep in mind that this is entirely for my own edification and amusement, although I hope it will provoke thoughtful discussion. Currently, the list skews heavily toward white, British, male, High Church (more or less), 19th and 20th century writers. I welcome suggestions of authors who are (1) women; (2) evangelicals; (3) from Australia, New Zealand, and the developing world; and (4) from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. However keep in mind that (1) this list is completely subjective; and (2) I am the benevolent overlord and my decisions are absolute and final. That said, please send your suggestions to Thanks.
1Aiyadurai JesudasenAppasamyThe Johannine Doctrine of Life
2AnneAskewThe Examinations
3MaryAstellThe Christian Religion as Profess'd by a Daughter of the Church of England
4LewisBaylyThe Practice of Piety
5GeorgeBellThe Church and Humanity
6George BellChristian Unity
8JosephButlerAnalogy of Religion
9Mother Mary ClareEncountering the Depths
10Samuel TaylorColeridgeAids to Reflection
11ThomasCranmerBook of Common Prayer (1662)
12SamuelCrowtherThe Bible (Yoruba translation)
13JoyDavidmanSmoke on the Mountain
14JohnDonneCollected Poems
15JohnDonneCollected Sermons
16William PorcherDuboseThe Gospel in the Gospels
17John Stott & DavidEdwardsEssentials
18T.S.EliotFour Quartets
19T.S.EliotMurder in the Cathedral
20AustinFarrerThe Glass of Vision
21AustinFarrerThe Essential Sermons
22JosephFletcherSituation Ethics
23CharlesGoreThe Incarnation
24GeorgeHerbertThe Temple
25John HenryHobartParochial Sermons
26RichardHollowayLeaving Alexandria
27RichardHollowaySigns of Glory
28RichardHookerLaws of Ecclesiastical Polity
29SusanHowatchGlittering Images
30SusanHowatchGlamorous Powers
31SusanHowatchUltimate Prizes
32TrevorHuddlestonNaught for your Comfort
33JohnJewellApology of the Church of England
34SamuelJohnsonA System of Morality
35G. A. StuddertKennedyThe World and the Work
36EdwardKingSpiritual Letters
37FestoKivengereI Love Idi Amin
38WilliamLawA Serious Call
39MadeleineL'EngleWalking on Water
40MadeleineL'EngleThe Irrational Season
41MadeleineL'EngleA Wrinkle in Time
42C.S.LewisMere Christianity
43C.S.LewisThe Narnia Chronicles
44C.S.LewisThe Screwtape Letters
45C.S.LewisThe Great Divorce
46JohnMacquarriePrinciples of Christian Theology
48E.L.MascallWords and Images
49E.L.MascallThe Importance of Being Human
50Frederick DenisonMauriceThe Kingdom of Christ
51EricMilner-WhiteMy God, My Glory
53StephenNeillA History of Christian Missions
54John HenryNewmanParochial and Plain Sermons
55John HenryNewmanOxford University Sermons
56JohnNewtonThoughts upon the Slave Trade
57William Cowper & JohnNewtonOlney Hymns
58J.I.PackerKnowing God
59J.B.PhillipsThe New Testament in Modern English
60A.S. AppasamyPillaiThe Use of Yoga in Prayer
61JohnPolkinghorneThe Faith of a Physicist
62JohnPolkinghorneThe God of Hope and the End of the World
63MichaelRamseyThe Gospel and the Catholic Church
64CharlesRavenCreator Spirit
65CharlesRavenScience, Religion, and the Future
66John A.T.RobinsonHonest to God
67ChristinaRossettiComplete Poems
68Pandita RamabaiSarasvatiA Testimony
69DorothySayersThe Mind of the Maker
70SamuelSchereschewskyThe Book of Common Prayer in Mandarin
71VidaScudderThe Church and the Hour
72VidaScudderChristian Simplicity
73SundarSinghAt the Master's Feet
74ColinStephensonMerrily on High
75JohnStottBasic Christianity
76JonathanSwiftA Modest Proposal
77JonathanSwiftAn Argument Against Abolishing Christianity
78Richard HenryTawneyR.H. Tawney's Commonplace Book
79Richard HenryTawneyThe Acquisitive Society
80JeremyTaylorHoly Living and Holy Dying
81John V.TaylorThe Go-Between God
82WilliamTempleReadings in St. John's Gospel
83AnthonyTrollopeThe Barchester Chronicles
84DesmondTutuHope and Suffering
85DesmondTutuNo Future Without Forgiveness
88IzaakWaltonWalton's Lives
89CharlesWesleyHymns and Sacred Poems
91WilliamWilberforceA Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System
92HarryWilliamsSome Day I'll Find You
93HarryWilliamsTrue Wilderness
94RowanWilliamsA Ray of Darkness
95RowanWilliamsTokens of Trust
96CharlesWilliamsDescent of the Dove
97CharlesWilliamsDescent into Hell
98N.T.WrightThe New Testament and the People of God
99N.T.WrightJesus and the Victory of God
100The Bible (Authorized Version)